Simpsons Fanon



Simpsons Fanon
Cecelia Fasesha
Gender Female
Status Deceased
Age 58
Occupation British actress
Relatives Husband: Ricky Fasesha
Daughters: Ms. Melon, Ava Green and Helena Fasesha
Son: J.C. Fasesha
Grandson: Mark Fasesha
Granddaughters: Malika Green, Anika Charles, Lia Greyhound

Cecelia Fasesha (17 July 1955 - 6 October 2013, age 58) was a British Actress, she was the mother of Helena Fasesha. On October 6, 2013, Fasesha died of a a coronary embolism, according to her daughter Helena, coronary heart problems run in her family and her grandmother died the same death in 2010. Fasesha's death was shocking and sudden, Helena is shocked by the death of her mother and has confirmed a single in her honour. She knew Rapsta Chik's mother Fay Middlestone, and mentored her. Her third granddaughter (second by Helena) was born two days before the third anniversary of Cecelia's death, and named after Cecelia, but shortened to Lia.


Husband: Ricky Fasesha

Daughters: Ava Fasesha-Green, Helena Fasesha

Son: J.C. Fasesha

Granddaughter (by Ava): Malika Green

Grandson (by J.C.): Mark Fasesha

Granddaughters (by Helena): Anika Charles, Lia Greyhound


Bullies (1981)

People of the World (1984)

Bullies II: Justice (1989)

Amazing Woman (1991)

Bullies III: I'm Telling (1997)

May Summers: Space Agent (1999)

May Summers: To The Future (2002)

May Summers: A Job Well Done (2006)

Crazy Right Now (2006)

U Got Me LOL (2010)

Whip It (2010)

Bullies IV: This Ends Now (2011)

Princess May Summers (2012)
